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AIMS spearheads Securitisation Forum in China


The AIMS Financial Group is holding a Finance Securitisation Forum covering all aspects of the mortgage-backed securitisation process as part of the annual China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen, China from 11-13 October 2005.

The forum is the first of its kind to be included in the annual China Hi-Tech Fair which attracts participants and delegates from all over the world. The large scale event is approved by China’s State Council and jointly hosted by China’s ministries and the Shenzhen Municipal Government.

AIMS’ participation has also been endorsed by the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney.

Organisers of the Fair have tapped AIMS to participate in the Forum in recognition of AIMS’ knowledge of RMBS operations and its understanding of the mortgage industry in both Australia and China. AIMS rolled out its expansion in China last year by establishing a branch in Shanghai.

The forum will consist of four sessions comprising presentations, Q&As with the presenters, panelists and the audience. In addition to AIMS’ Securitisation experts, the forum panel will feature local Chinese RMBS specialists to provide participants with the local Chinese perspective.

One of the highlights of the forum is a discussion of AIMS’ $400 million RMBS bond deal. The recent AIMS bond issue completed successfully in July will be taken up as a case study to show participants how an actual RMBS bond deal is conducted.

After Shenzhen, the forum will be brought to Guangzhou, China during the same week.

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