AIMS Home Loans
Australian Credit Licence
Number 389027
Consolidating credit card and other debts
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Paying off several personal loans and credit card debt along with a mortgage can be an ordeal, especially during times of increasing interest rates.

AIMS Home Loans can help you save on repayments and lessen your debt commitments considerably through debt consolidation.

In addition to debt consolidation, AIMS can provide finance for other purposes, including:

1. Travel and lifestyle expenses
2. Home renovations
3. Car and other Personal Loans
4. Education expenses

AIMS has a range of quality loan products that can be used for debt consolidation as well as for other purposes.

If you would like to know how you can make substantial savings on interest repayments by consolidating your other debts along with your current mortgage, we invite you to have an obligation-FREE consultation with an AIMS Lending Consultant. Simply phone AIMS on 1300 132 467 today.
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